
Planning educational structures is a particularly careful task because, after all, it concerns our future as a society.

In this type of projects, is essential to carry out a previous study for the spaces planning and/or the required valences, and it may be necessary to contact the competent Regional Directorate of Education to be abreast of what is most important.

Also fundamental is to consider the safety issues, especially when it comes to schools for smaller children or nurseries and kindergartens. Moreover, the future goer’s age of the teaching equipment is a relevant detail that will define in much the plannification and the final project.

Along with the knowledge of the type of students going to attend the space, it is also necessary to know the surrounding area, namely in socio-economic terms, in order to create a valuable equipment and a real stimulus to the community.

One of the bigger challenges of a teaching project is to make the learning space a welcoming and fun area, and simultaneously functional and easy to manage for educators and assistants. It's almost mandatory to bet in durable solutions, since children can be true “destructive terrorists”, and it matters to have low maintenance equipments and efficient.

An architect must also think in two realities that are not always in line in the school universe – the teacher and the student -, ensuring that the teaching space welcomes one and the other in the same way, with open arms and in safety.